Sunday, July 8, 2007

Update on Our Case...

Here's a little update on our case.......

We entered PGN on April 24th. This is the last big stage of the adoption process, where the case is reviewed and either approved or rejected. If your case is Rejected (or kicked Out) your attorney has to fix the problem(s) and then the case gets resubmitted into PGN. The case can be rejected for many different reason, as minor as a misspelling or in some cases more serious problems.

We received a Kick Out (Rejection) on June 21st. Once we get resubmitted we have another 8 weeks to find out if we are Out of PGN (approved), or kicked out again. Right now we are just waiting to find out when we re-enter PGN. It's very frustrating, but she's worth the wait.

God is definately teaching me patience.