Saturday, May 10, 2008

Please Pray!!!

PGN has decided to do interviews with all the birth mothers of the children who are in process. There were 25 interviews done Thursday and more on Friday. From what I've heard, they've all gone pretty well.

We were informed yesterday that our interview will be on Monday. The agency said that the hard part is locating her on such short notice. The mother, attorney, foster mother, and baby will be present at the interview. If all goes well, there is a very big chance we will be approved and OUT of PGN for good next week!!!

As you can imagine, I'm very nervous about this. Especially about the mother seeing Kya. I couldn't imagine having to go through what she will on Monday. I am praying that everything goes smooth and we can bring her home soon. I am also praying for the birth mother, that she will have comfort in her decision.

It would be great to visit Kya knowing she was legally ours!!!

Please keep us, Kya, and her birth mother in your prayers! Also pray that the people conducting the interviews will treat these women with respect. (As they have NOT done in the past)


Kim said...

Julia I will be praying for you. When I last heard from our attorney on Tuesday she thought our birthmom interview would be scheduled soon too. I have no idea if it is, but maybe it's best I don't know about it. We can only hope they will respect these women and their difficult decisions.

KYA said...

Thanks Kim. I will let you guys know as soon as I hear something Monday.

The Heinrichs said...

I will be praying all goes well on Monday! Our little girls need to come home!
