Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I have some good news!!! I've been calling and e-mailing our agency every week since we received PA on October 2nd. Their response is always the same, "No news" or "Your case is still in Family Court". Well, I emailed them a little over a week ago and they sent me an e-mail saying they received word from our attorney that we have been OUT of Family Court and IN PGN since October 5th!!!!!!! We went in to PGN 3 days after we received PA! Of course I didn't want to get too excited b/c it seemed like someone got the wrong info, but the lady from our agency assured me that it is true! So this Friday makes 6 weeks IN PGN. We should hear if we are approved on week 8. If we are not approved we have to get whatever the problem is fixed, get submitted back into PGN, and wait another 8 weeks. Please let us get approved!

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