Monday, April 28, 2008

Just got News!!!

There is a parent who is a member of a forum I belong to. She got to attend the meeting at PGN. First off, let me explain that one of the main concerns that PGN has is about illegal adoptions. Where the child is stolen or where the attorney pays someone off to approve a case quickly. In the middle of the corruption are the legal cases that get held up because of these people taking advantage of the system. At the meeting the attorneys told PGN that they realize that some cases involved corruption but ALL cases should NOT be delayed due to other attys who are KNOWN TO BE CORRUPT. The heads of PGN agreed that these attys who are corrupt are known so, and they will do the following:

Criminal charges will be filed against those attys that they know are corrupt. That investigation will be separate from the in process files getting completed.

This way those corrupt attys, no longer make it difficult for those legitimate cases to get approved.

They said that cases will be approved in a timely manner for now on.

Investigations will be done on cases that existed the PGN very quickly.

So far this sounds VERY GOOD!!!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

This news seems very good indeed. Good to hear something good for a change!