Sunday, July 27, 2008

Well, we received 2 emails in the last 2 weeks. Both weeks the attorney was told to come pick up the Birth Certificate that week. It didn't happen. The last email said that he was supposedly picking up the BC on the 23rd or 24th. So, I hope we hear some great news tomorrow!

I'm gonna amuse myself & play "fantacy timeline"! Here I go...
(remember, THIS IS NOT FOR REAL!!! It's only me guessing and hoping!)

7/31...2nd DNA test
8/08...results to embassy
8/11...embassy issues PINK (our embassy appt date)
8/16...Travel to Guatemala to bring Kya home!!!

It will most likely take longer, but I can hope!


Kim said...

I sure hope your fantasy timeline comes true!

Telissa said...

i love the timeline!! we can place bets on it - it will happen - that is the positive thing. so close to the end...just hang on!! best wishes to a speedy journey home - TOGETHER ;)

mholman42 said...

It is done! In Jesus' name! Whoo Hoo, come on home Kya!